Based on Comic Shoes by Elle
Loved these instructions! Came up with some sweet shoes for my sister for her birthday!
JESSICA WABBIT favorited Comic Shoes 30 Jun 03:18
Delaney M. replied to a comment on her project Comic Shoes 04 Oct 21:44
Hao-chan favorited Comic Shoes 24 Sep 20:07
sophie commented on Comic Shoes 18 Sep 16:57
Destini S. favorited Comic Shoes 17 Sep 16:52
miriam e. added Comic Shoes to NEED :o 16 Sep 16:30
miriam e. added Comic Shoes to NEED :o 16 Sep 16:30
miriam e. commented on Comic Shoes 16 Sep 16:30
katie m. added Comic Shoes to th 15 Sep 03:43
Toxic*Zombie* favorited Comic Shoes 12 Sep 23:32
You Will Need
Delaney M. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

i want to see the instructions T_T

Delaney M.
1 project

miriam e.
1 project

6 projects
too cool