Cut Out + Keep

Comic Cuff Bracelet

Wear your favorite comic strip! • Posted by Mandy C.

Someone brought it to my attention that you could also use an empty spool from a spool of masking or painters tape.

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0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium dsc 1333


Someone brought it to my attention that you could also use an empty spool from a spool of masking or painters tape.


  1. Small dsc 1312

    You'll need a bottle of Mod Podge, your favorite comic, a paintbrush, and a plastic cuff bracelet. You may also want to use scissors if you prefer cleaner edges. *The bracelet I used came from Claire's. If you can't find one, you could always try making one from a vinyl record.

  2. Small dsc 1313

    Brush Mod Podge onto your cuff. It's best to work on a small area at a time.

  3. Small dsc 1314

    Tear out strips of the comic and wrap it around the cuff where there is glue. Use scrap pieces to fill in the spots where the strip didn't completely wrap around.

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    Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the entire cuff is covered.

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    Brush a layer of Mod Podge on the cuff to seal the comic. The glue will dry clear.

  6. Small dsc 1331

    After an hour, your bracelet is ready to wear!