Cut Out + Keep

Combat Cap

Based on Combat Cap by Expired Sanity • Posted by Lisa D.

someone remind me that projects like this are too hard for someone with my newby-knowledge. WUAHAHA. I have flaps. And a short bill. But I loved the thrift-store fabric finds. Some embroidered coat and a funky shirt. And I KNEW I had to try to make this hat...been thinking about it for a month. ha. epic. fail. BUT it's adorable anyway.

You will need


5 h 00


Medium 2010 07 30 00.37.08 1280475834 Medium 2010 07 30 00.37.26 1280475923 Medium 2010 07 30 00.36.49 1280475754


someone remind me that projects like this are too hard for someone with my newby-knowledge. WUAHAHA. I have flaps. And a short bill. But I loved the thrift-store fabric finds. Some embroidered coat and a funky shirt. And I KNEW I had to try to make this hat...been thinking about it for a month. ha. epic. fail. BUT it's adorable anyway.
