• Posted by michelle G.
can you see the difference colour correcting makes?
can you see the difference colour correcting makes?
open image, in layers create a duplicate,all changes will happen in the duplicate
then go to image-adjustments-levels
in levels you will see the drop icons a black(k) one for dark tones a grey one for mid tones and a white one for light tones
click on the dark drop then go to your image and find the darkest blackest spot on the image and click on that spot you will notice that the image will sharpen the deep tones, if you don't like the result, don't panic, just undo and try again on another spot
now move over to the white dropper and click it, now on your image find the lightest spot and click it again your image will brighten
then, if you wish, click the grey dropper and then try to find a spot on the image that is not too dark or light and click on it
if you like your results, click on save.
and remember if you are going to print this image to switch over to CMYK