Cut Out + Keep

Colored Pencil Vase

A very creative and unique vase. Great for a gift or to brighten up a room! • Posted by Kymberleigh

This colored pencil vase is very simple to make. You just glue your colored pencils (the tips facing toward the bottom of the can) to your empty soup can using a hot glue gun. But make sure you glue your colored pencils on STRAIGHT! If one is crooked, they will all be crooked and you'll have to start over. One way to make sure you glue them on straight is to use a straightedge to draw vertical lines on your can before you glue the colored pencils on. Make sure the tips of the pencils stay flush with the bottom of the can when you are gluing. And that's it! :)

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium coloredpencils Medium img 0487 Medium img 0500 Medium img 0499


This colored pencil vase is very simple to make. You just glue your colored pencils (the tips facing toward the bottom of the can) to your empty soup can using a hot glue gun. But make sure you glue your colored pencils on STRAIGHT! If one is crooked, they will all be crooked and you'll have to start over. One way to make sure you glue them on straight is to use a straightedge to draw vertical lines on your can before you glue the colored pencils on. Make sure the tips of the pencils stay flush with the bottom of the can when you are gluing. And that's it! :)
