Cut Out + Keep

Colored Mason Jar Vase

You can make these mason jar vases in any color, and they're dishwasher safe! • Posted by The Garsow Twins

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium 109008 2f2015 05 22 164417 mason%2bjar%2b2 Medium 109008 2f2015 05 22 164422 masonjar3



  1. Wash and dry the jar to make sure there is no dirt or residue on the surface. Put on the rubber gloves and remove the lid from the jar.

  2. Drop some paint inside the jar and twirl it around until the inside of the jar is completely coated with paint. Let the jar dry completely (you can turn the jar upside down to speed up the drying process). Recommended drying time is overnight.