Cut Out + Keep

Collage Handbag

Based on Collage Handbag by CYDNEY W. • Posted by ColorfulSarah

Tips: ~*~ For making rounded or shaped corners: draw a line on the inside part of the handbag to guide your stitch. If you want even more exact round edges, cut out a rounded corner from a piece of cardboard, and use the scrap piece as a tracer. ~*~ If you are sewing a button on, first fold the handbag how you want it to look and sew the button where you want it. I use stretchy string to tie on the button so that the paper doesn't rip. ~*~ Don't do stitches that are too close together

You will need


2 h 00


Medium dscf0383 1306778970 Medium dscf0378 1306779825 Medium dscf0380 1306780311 Medium dscf0375 1306787607 Medium dscf0376 1306787633 Medium dscf0377 1306787657


Tips: ~*~ For making rounded or shaped corners: draw a line on the inside part of the handbag to guide your stitch. If you want even more exact round edges, cut out a rounded corner from a piece of cardboard, and use the scrap piece as a tracer. ~*~ If you are sewing a button on, first fold the handbag how you want it to look and sew the button where you want it. I use stretchy string to tie on the button so that the paper doesn't rip. ~*~ Don't do stitches that are too close together
