Cut Out + Keep

Collage Handbag

Based on Collage Handbag by CYDNEY W. • Posted by Soviette Union

I tried the report covers, and although I love that they are upcycled and cheap (!) I didn't like the end result as much. I pulled them apart and used self-laminating plastic sheets. Looks more "vinyl-esque" to me. Also I used velcro dots to close. This is such a fun project!! I loooove it!

You will need


2 h 00


Medium one 1288707349 Medium two 1288707419


I tried the report covers, and although I love that they are upcycled and cheap (!) I didn't like the end result as much. I pulled them apart and used self-laminating plastic sheets. Looks more "vinyl-esque" to me. Also I used velcro dots to close. This is such a fun project!! I loooove it!
