Grave of the Great King

A coffin box decorated to look like the resting place of a beloved king

Posted by Kin Dragon


I've been wanting to make this for a while now. I think my inspiration came from a movie from my childhood; Disney's 1960s film "the sword in the stone". It's mostly based on the King Arther legends (it's possible it was based off another book built off of the King Arther legends too but i'm not sure if I trust Google AI on that) I loved that movie as a child and still love it to this day. What sticks with me the most is the beginning of the film where they open a story book and have those beautiful illustrations of how the "Sword in the Anvil/stone" came as a miracle from heaven to help the people find the new king, but ended up being forgotten, until a young boy came along desperately searching for a sword and pulled it from the anvil.
It's a great movie and even as an adult I have not found any big flaws with the film (seriously, the words they speak match what the characters are saying/ are in sync, the animation isn't bad for an old film).
This was a lot of fun to make. I hope you like this project and my little trip down memory lane.


You Will Need (9 things)

  • Acrylic paint or Nail polish
  • Coffin shaped Box
  • Air Dry Clay
  • Hot Glue
  • Paper
  • Dimensional Magic mod podge
  • Modgepodge Matte and sparkle
  • Fake Moss
  • Pointed Tweezers To make the tiny origami roses