Cut Out + Keep

Coffee Gift Bag

Make a simple gift of a bag of coffee extra special with a little hand-stitched bag! • Posted by Mollie J.

A simple gift of a bag of coffee can be made extra special with a little hand-stitched bag. It upgrades an $8 bag of coffee, and says, I care about you enough to spend a little time on this. And honestly, it doesn't take very long. I sewed the entire bag by hand (no sewing machine!), and still was up for making more.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium coffeebag1


A simple gift of a bag of coffee can be made extra special with a little hand-stitched bag. It upgrades an $8 bag of coffee, and says, I care about you enough to spend a little time on this. And honestly, it doesn't take very long. I sewed the entire bag by hand (no sewing machine!), and still was up for making more.


  1. Small coffeebag4

    Cut your fabric so that it will fit the a bag of coffee when folded and sewn into a bag. My piece was 8x24" and came out a bit looser than it needs to be, but still a nice fit. Cut the piece in two, about 6" in from one end. This is where you'll place an inset.

  2. Small coffeebag3

    Embroider a design onto the plain fabric. Coffee designs make sense, but anything your recipient would like would be appropriate. (In hindsight, I would have stitched this right in the middle, but oh well.) This is the inset.

  3. Small coffeebag5

    Pink the top and bottom edges of the inset, and lay out the bag as you see here.

  4. Small coffeebag6

    Pin the embroidered piece into place. Using a doubled length of thread, sew the inset to the patterned fabric along the top and bottom. A running stitch will work well.

  5. Small coffeebag7

    Double fold and press the top edges of the fabric. Pin and sew. This will be the top hem.

  6. Small coffeebag8

    Turn the bag right sides together, pin, and sew down the sides with a running stitch.

  7. Small coffeebag10

    Turn the bag right side out, insert a bag of coffee, tie with a pretty bow, and share the gift of coffee! This was made for coffee, but of course, you could sew up a bag like this for lots of things. And if your sewing machine is kind to you (mine usually isn't!), imagine how quickly you could whip these up for gifts!