• Posted by Tiffany C.
Using just a shelf I transformed my kitchen corner into the perfect coffee bar. Each item you see is a mix of new and old. Some things i’ve had for a very long time and some I’ve just recently bought, like these cute mugs! Of course the Keurig I’ve had since I’ve out on my own - It is definitely a MUST. So to start I found this shelf at Lowe’s and it was very easy to install myself with simple anchor and screws ( that came with the shelf). If you can’t find something similar this would be very easy to make yourself with some wood and hooks of your choice. On one of my many outings I found that super cute coffee sign and those arrows, which I adore. I spend a lot of time on the weekends finding little things like these. I love my coffee bar. The shelf makes it so easy to change the style at any time. I would love to see how you decorate your coffee bar!