• Posted by TheSewingMurra
Basically it's a Cod Fish..... well i thought it was anyway. (sorry but i was too lazy to do a How To!!!!!) you sew two parts of long half oval thick and thin material (two each of both fabrics lobg enough as your forearm). then you sew to parts of those thck pieces together, and same with the thin pieces (leaving a hole where the mouth is) then sew those two together (thin and thick material leaving a hole for the mouth so you can stuff it), stuff it then sew the thick and thin material at the mouth and sew the buttons on and volia! You're Finished! your own Cod Face Hand pillow!
Basically it's a Cod Fish..... well i thought it was anyway. (sorry but i was too lazy to do a How To!!!!!) you sew two parts of long half oval thick and thin material (two each of both fabrics lobg enough as your forearm). then you sew to parts of those thck pieces together, and same with the thin pieces (leaving a hole where the mouth is) then sew those two together (thin and thick material leaving a hole for the mouth so you can stuff it), stuff it then sew the thick and thin material at the mouth and sew the buttons on and volia! You're Finished! your own Cod Face Hand pillow!