• Posted by Uhm rawr
I did not use anything from books nor the internet for this recipe. The only thing I did not make myself was the cake mix. How to on (chocolate) butter cream: How to on marzipan:
I did not use anything from books nor the internet for this recipe. The only thing I did not make myself was the cake mix. How to on (chocolate) butter cream: How to on marzipan:
Put butter in the cake mold. Leave the rest of the butter you're going to need for the cake mix (If the box says so ofcourse!) out of the fridge. If the butter is too cool, the cake won't look good.
Grab the flour and put some in the mold. I found this pointless first too, but you can get your cake out so much easier!
Make sure both the butter and eggs are on room temperature. Get the box of cake mix and make it as told. Add coconut flavouring to it. Just some drops! :3
Put it in the oven and start making your chocolate buttercream when it's out again. Get it out off the mold and make it cool down. Make sure the pie is all cooled down when you put the chocolate buttercream on it!
The tutorial on chocolate buttercream is in the description. Make sure the whole pie is covered. If you want to you could cut the pie in layers and put some there too. I didn't because I didn't have enough buttercream :3
Put some powdered sugar on the place you're gonna roll out your marzipan. Roll the roller through the powdered sugar so it won't get stuck and roll it all out! Add some orange (Both the taste and colour) flavouring. Put it in the middle, fold it like an envelope and knead it. You might want to do this a few times. When it tastes good and the colour is equal (on my pie it wasnt all equal though :p) you can stop it. *yay for orange fingers*
Be carefull with lifting it up and putting it on your pie. It can cut easily. My marzipan wasn't enough, it is really thin on this pie, and as you can see the base isn't covered. Cut off the remaining bits on the bottom, and clean the plate :P Get bubbles out with a little needle, cuts with some water, and "dirty" spots with some powdered sugar.
Melt the chocolate au bain marie. How to here: Grab a brush or whatever you like using and make something nice on your cake! I tried making roses of the marzipan that was left before but I need some more practise with that :P
And this is your final result! As you can see, there's a brown spot on the pie, I accidentally spilled some chocolate. I tried getting it off with some water and the rest with powdered sugar, unfortunately it was too much to get away. Do NOT put this cake in the fridge. The chocolate on the marzipan will get hard, the marzipan will cut, the cake will dry out and the buttercream will also get hard. Not tasting very well. :p *sorry for the sloppy marzipan work ;D*