Cut Out + Keep

Coconut "Corn Flakes"

Gluten free, if you're into that. • Posted by

Keto-friendly in small amounts, gluten free, grain free "cereal" you can enjoy with regular milk or almond milk for that vegan experience.

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Pretty Easy
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Keto-friendly in small amounts, gluten free, grain free "cereal" you can enjoy with regular milk or almond milk for that vegan experience.


  1. Preheat oven to 325F. Toss your coconut flakes lightly with a few tablespoons of fractionated coconut oil. Make sure everything get coated evenly. Spread evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Stir every 3 minutes or so and watch very closely so it doesn't burn. These cook up very quickly! They're done when they're about the same brownness as real corn flakes.