• Posted by Vesna T.
Make these cute coasters and placemats from papers you already have in your home. Your dinner guests will be impressed.
Make these cute coasters and placemats from papers you already have in your home. Your dinner guests will be impressed.
Choose papers that you'd like to recycle. In my case it was a larger piece of paper that I was using as a mat while preparing some journal pages. I used these for my coasters. For the placemats you will need something larger. I used brown paper bags from the grocery store.
Cut them down to the size desired. My coasters were 4"x4". My placemats were 14"x12"
Cut a piece of clear contact paper about 1/2" larger than your paper. For my coasters I cut a larger piece where I laid down all 4 all at once, leaving enough space in between each.
Cut another piece of clear contact paper and lay it on top.
Cut down the contact paper close to the edge of the paper.
Using your sewing machine stitch down a zigzag stitch close to the edge. The stitches will hold down the contact paper and will make your coasters/placemats more durable.
The technique is the same for the placemats except the paper is larger.
Now it's time to set the table and enjoy some food.