• Posted by serendipity_sarah
Very simple and relatively quick Christmas ornament. Photo credit: MandyLikesPie
Very simple and relatively quick Christmas ornament. Photo credit: MandyLikesPie
Screw brass screw eye in top of angels "head" to form halo and paint a face on your clothespin. Set aside to dry.
Using needle and thread, gather a length of lace to form dress around "body" of your angel. Secure with a knot.
Cut two lengths of lace to form sleeves of dress. Roll each piece of lace to form a cone shaped tube and secure with a few stitches. Use tacky glue to attach sleeves to your angel's "shoulders". Set aside to dry.
Snugly tie a small length of ribbon around your angel's waist to form the definition between the skirt and bodice of her dress.
Using tacky glue, attach wings to angel's back. Embellish to your heart's desire! Set aside to dry. Loop cording through angel's halo for hanging.