Cut Out + Keep

Clockwork Broach

Steampunk-inspired Clockwork Broach • Posted by frozenin_time

Sort of a Steampunk - inspired broach. A great way to recycle old clocks/ watches

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1 h 00


Medium dsc02652 copy 1241456401 Medium dsc02655 copy 1241457733


Sort of a Steampunk - inspired broach. A great way to recycle old clocks/ watches


  1. Small dsc02582 copy 1241456456

    Find/ buy all of the clocks/ watches that you are going to use. Charity shops and car boot sales usually have some cheap ones. It's better if the clock/ watch is an old one as it should have metal cogs.

  2. Small dsc02656 copy 1241456730

    Now comes the fun part: taking the clocks apart. You basically need to break the clock down into separate cogs and screws.

  3. Small dsc02583 copy 1241456840

    Once you've took the clocks/ watches apart, arrange some of the cogs into the shape that you want.

  4. Glue the pieces together. If pieces don't overlap, glue them onto another piece of metal from one of the clocks/ watches. Any strong glue should work. Or, if you have a soldering iron, soldering the pieces would look good. Leave to dry.

  5. Small dsc02651 copy 1241457695

    Glue the pin back onto the back of the broach. Leave to dry, and it's finished :D