Cut Out + Keep

Clip On Cat Ears

I made these out of a Chocoalte Webkinz Dog's ears. They look pretty good, if i do say so myself, but it takes a whole lot of hairspray to get them this way becuase of the length of my hair. T_T • Posted by Annie S.

i cut off the webkinz's (c) ears and got out some brown thread and brown Goody (c) hair clips. i sewed the small end of the ears to a point and tied them. i then glued them to the hair clips and tada! it takes about ten minutes of hairspray to get the look i want, but thats just because of my short, wavy hair. its a pain, but worth it in the end! it only took about twenty five including the styling. if i had longer hair, then i wouldnt need so much time to get it looking right, but oh well.

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Project Budget


15 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium picture 21 1282666362


i cut off the webkinz's (c) ears and got out some brown thread and brown Goody (c) hair clips. i sewed the small end of the ears to a point and tied them. i then glued them to the hair clips and tada! it takes about ten minutes of hairspray to get the look i want, but thats just because of my short, wavy hair. its a pain, but worth it in the end! it only took about twenty five including the styling. if i had longer hair, then i wouldnt need so much time to get it looking right, but oh well.
