Clay Magnets

A fun way to decorate your fridge, locker, or office!

Posted by Adaline



You Will Need (5 things)

  • Clay Or Fimo
  • Candy Mould
  • Paint And Brushes
  • Small Magnet(s)
  • Super Glue

Steps (6 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Press your clay into the candy molds to make your magnet. (You can also just shape your own design.)

  2. 2

    Once you take it out of the mold you can define some of the details or lines with a pencil or toothpick

  3. 3

    Let the clay sit over night to harden. (If you want a quicker alternative you can try fimo and then just bake it.)

  4. 4

    Once dry, you can paint the clay however you would like

  5. 5

    Use the super glue to glue the magnet to the back of the clay and let it dry

  6. 6

    And there you go, a hand-made magnet to hang on your fridge!!