Clay Locket

Perfect for gifts!

Posted by pauline


My first tutorial! I really suck at explaining things so I'm sorry if you don't understand. My English is limited. Not my native tongue. Feel free to ask questions and I'll try my very best to squeeze my wittle brain for answers.


You Will Need (11 things)

  • Toothpick
  • Clear Nail Polish
  • Nail File
  • Varnish
  • Nail Polish
  • Super Glue
  • Paint
  • Ribbon
  • Air dry, fimo, or sculpey Clay
  • Baby Powder
  • For the necklace, I don't know what's its called though! String

Steps (18 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    First things first: Plan your design. Always think ahead, especially on your first time. Experiment, use different methods, decorations, if you wish.

    Then, gather your materials.

  2. 2

    I used a butterfly clay mold I made the other day. You can use beads, too.

    I've also thought of using wires, spiraling them, and push them into the clay to make abstract effects. Haven't done it yet, but you could try it out.

  3. 3

    Take your clay, roll it, then using glue or whatever, flatten it like a pizza.

    *If using molds: for the front of the locket (where the design will be,) make it a a bit thicker than the back part.

  4. 4

    Using the cap of a gluestick, or any material you can use, cut out a circle from the clay.

  5. 5

    Sprinkle baby powder on the clay and push it into the mold. Cut it out again with the cap and make sure the design is in the center. Smoothen edges with a toothpick.

    *The one on the left is flat. I made a new one and made it an almost dome shape.

  6. 6

    You can use a brush, too, for making it smooth. Then let it dry, or bake. Depends on what kind of clay you used.

  7. 7

    After it has dried, I sued nail file to, again, smoothen it & remove fingerprints.

  8. 8

    Cut out a strip of ribbon, at least an inch, depending on the size of your locket.

  9. 9

    Paste it on the back sides, like in the picture.

  10. 10

    Now you can flip it up and down. Sew the lower part of the ribbon so the lockets won't.. uh.. sway.

  11. 11

    Smoothen the edges again with the nail file until satisfied. (haha)

  12. 12

    Paint it with the color you desire. I originally planned to use paint, but the color I wanted is not currently available in stores.

    So instead, I used a brown glittery nail polish. After it has dried, I coated it with clear nail polish.

    I don't know how it reacts with varnishes, though. I've heard that the colors change sometimes..

  13. 13

    Put the string through the loop.

  14. 14

    Then paste a picture (using super glue, other glue don't work with clay).

    I haven't decided on what to put on mine though :/

  15. 15

    I made an adjustable loop with the necklace. To do so, take both ends.

  16. 16

    Tie the other end (Let's say, end A) to the other (B) like in the picture. It's quite hard to explain.

  17. 17

    Then tie end B to the end A. Now by pulling the ends, you can adjust the size of the necklace.

    Or if you can, just use those metal thing-y.

  18. 18

    And voila.