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Chunky Fingerless Mitts

These fingerless gloves knit up in no time! • Posted by natashaprice

These simple fingerless mitts knit up so quickly you'll be making them as gifts for all your friends this holiday season!

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4 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 111902 2f2015 11 09 005915 mitts


These simple fingerless mitts knit up so quickly you'll be making them as gifts for all your friends this holiday season!


  1. abbreviations: M1FB – Make 1 stitch in the front and back of the next stitch, thus increasing the work by 1 stitch. M1 – Make 1 stitch between two existing stitches. K2tog – knit two stitches together

  2. Using 3 double pointed needles, cast on 26 stitches (8, 9, 9) K1, P1 rib for 13 rows or until the cuff is as long as you desire

  3. Round 14: K4, make 1 stitch in the front and back of next stitch (M1FB). Knit to last stitch on needle and M1FB again. K4 on the next needle and M1FB. Knit to end of needle. K4 on the third needle and M1FB. Knit to end of needle. You have increased the row by 4 stitches and should now have 30 stitches.

  4. Knit 3 rounds

  5. R18: M1, K1, M1, knit to end of round All odd rounds: K one round R20: M1, K3, M1, knit to end of round R22: M1, K5, M1, knit to end of round R24: M1, K7, M1, knit to end of round R26: M1, K9, M1, knit to end of round

  6. Knit 4 rounds

  7. Transfer the first 11 stitches to a piece of scrap yarn.

  8. Cast on one stitch. You should now have 30 stitches again.

  9. Knit 6 rounds. K1, P1 rib for 4 rounds Loosely bind off.

  10. Thumb: Transfer the 11 stitches to two double pointed needles. With third needle, pick up and knit 4 stitches (make sure you leave at least a 6-inch tail of yarn). Knit one round. When you get back to the picked up stitches, K2tog twice, leaving you with 13 stitches total. Knit 5 rounds or till thumb is the length you prefer (you can try the mitt on at this point). Bind off. Weave in tails. At the crotch of the thumb, use the extra tail to sew up any gaps.