Cut Out + Keep

Christmas Tree

A Christmas Tree that Never Disappears • Posted by Heather M.

There is always a big Christmas Tree down in our lobby. Every year after Christmas, it disappears. It is so sad, isn't it? So, why not make one and let it stay all year long?

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
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There is always a big Christmas Tree down in our lobby. Every year after Christmas, it disappears. It is so sad, isn't it? So, why not make one and let it stay all year long?


  1. Small p1020801 1269269425

    Draw a tree on the paper. Or directly cut the felt in the shape of a Christmas Tree.

  2. Small p1020818 1269269617

    Make 4 pieces of the same shape. Cut out some small colorful pieces of felt as decoration.

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    Glue/or sew some decoration to each piece of the tree (one side only).

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    Sew every 2 pieces together. Keep the center against each other.

  5. Keep sewing all the four pieces together.