Christmas Stocking From An Old Jumper

Shrunk in the laundry last Christmas :'(

Posted by Steph.


I got this jumper on Christmas Day last year, and the first wash that it had saw it all shrunk, so small that I couldn't even fit my tiny wrists down the arm-holes!
Sad times ...


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Sewing Machine
  • Felt
  • Felting Needle

Steps (11 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    This is my sadly shrunken jumper :'( RIP

    (notice the awesome rainbow socks!!) haha

  2. 2

    Pin your stocking template onto the jumper. I pinned it right up in the corner so that I would have enough fabric left to make another one later on.

  3. 3

    You don't have to worry about cutting out two stocking shapes (if you're just making one stocking), because the jumper has a front + a back, so you automatically cut out two).

  4. 4

    Make sure you had on seam allowance, and cut your two stocking shapes out!

  5. 5

    Measure how long the top of your stocking is. Mine was around 7cm.

  6. 6

    Now measure out a piece of felt that is exactly twice the size of the top of your stocking. As I said, the top of my stocking was 7cm, so the felt would be 14 cm.

    it can be any width, whatever you choose.

  7. 7

    Stitch any little decorations onto the sleeve of the stocking. You can do it all along, but I only did it half way.

  8. 8

    It looked a bit like this...

    And leave the sleeve to one side for the time being.

  9. 9

    Now sew your two stocking pieces RIGHT SIDES together. Obviously, don't sew the top up, because you need to put your presents there!
    Because my fabric was so shrunken, I didn't need to hem the top because it didn't fray.
    It may be different in your case.

  10. 10

    Sew the sleeve onto the top of the stocking, and you're done!
    (I hand-sewed it, because it looked nicer, and it was less complicated than using the machine)

  11. 11

    Here's it finished.
    Thanks for looking at my project, and if you have any questions, just message me or comment below. Have a wonderful Christmas + a Happy New Year guys!