• Posted by Cat Morley
Hold the two pom pom makers together, open up and start by wrapping the right hand side of the right half of the pom pom maker with brown yarn.
When it's about half full, wrap the left side with cream yarn and wrap a few cream strands over the brown to the right.
Continue wrapping the cream to the left and brown to the right, adding a few strands of cream to the brown every now and then.
Repeat on the other side of the pom pom maker, but reverse so that the cream side is to the right and the brown side to the left.
Close the pom pom maker and use some sewing scissors to cut around the outside edge of the pom pom.
Tie a long length of brown yarn around the middle of the pom pom, pull tight and knot before removing the pom pom maker.
Give your pudding a haircut until it's the desired size.
Thread a sewing needle with brown thread and stitch three small red pom poms together to look like berries.
Stitch the berries on the top of your pudding and hang on your Christmas tree.