• Posted by Thalia
What you need: -Krusteaz gingerbread mix (and required ingredients shown on box) -cream cheese frosting -chocolate chips -red sugar crystals -one candy cane -round cake pan
What you need: -Krusteaz gingerbread mix (and required ingredients shown on box) -cream cheese frosting -chocolate chips -red sugar crystals -one candy cane -round cake pan
The first step is to mix the ingredients according to the box (make sure you are using the cake instructions, not the cookie version, or else you will epically fail:)and then bake according to box.
Once the cake has baked thouroghly, and had chance to cool, take your cream cheese frosting and heat it in the microwave for about 30 seconds. take it out and stir it with a butterknife.
Slowly drizzle the frosting over the middle of cake. Spread with butterknife if needed. Keep pouring until there is a dripping effect on the sides.
Be creative with how you place your chocolate chips around the cake. We decided to put them in a circular fashion around the center.
Crush or break the candy cane, and place them however you may please. Top it off with a dusting of sugar crystals. And there you have it! a beautiful christmas cake to share with your family and friends! =D