Christmas Cards

Tampon christmas cards

Posted by Filura Fixer


"Christmas cards" should also be known as "How to use a tampon in a crafty way".

I am all about recycling and use stuff that is near so I always use a tampon for making these cards. I think it is more pretty with the wavy pattern in the beard? Anyawys, these cute cards brings out a big smile on most faces.

Excuse my english, this is not my mother tounge. Feel free to correct my language! ;)

Good luck!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 2 for background + hat Colored Paper
  • 2 Wiggly Eyes or some other eye-ish dots
  • for beard Cotton or a tampon as used here
  • Paper Glue

Steps (7 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Two pieces of colored paper, wiggly eyes and a tampon. Pink paper for the hat and green paper for the background.

  2. 2

    Cut out the hat and glue it on to the background. Put the eyes on the hat.

  3. 3

    How to open up a tampon is not always a simple task. S

    tart with the bottom (with the string) and try to open it up so it looks like a flower or a mushroom.

    You will now see there is a thin layer on the outside of the tampon - take that layer off. Now you can "open it up".

  4. 4

    This is what an "open tampon" looks like. Take off the string and rub it up a bit (so it will be more soft).

    It is time to form the beard!

  5. 5

    Try cutting it and tear it apart so you get the perfect beard. Also round up the edges so it will fit the face. I use the hat as directions for the size.

  6. 6

    Glue the beard to the background beneath the hat and eyes. If you are lazy you can finish up here ...

  7. 7

    ... and if you want more feeling to your cards: add eyebrows!

    Just take some leftover cotton from your tampon and roll it with a little blue between your fingers or just glue them on as furry unibrows.