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This was made from scrap fabrics I found at my grandma's house as well as remains of my outgrown favorite pants. I got the hangers cheap on sale so my total expenses were about 20$. I chose not to go with a traditional Christmas theme and make owls instead in honor of my late grandma (and with a lil' Twin Peaks inspiration). I'm very pleased with it, the owls if not very owllike are really cute and I had a lot of fun creating different impressions with their eyes. When December gets closer I'll wrap up candy and other small things, attach one gift to each of the rings, and watch my boyfriend's face light up every morning :)
This was made from scrap fabrics I found at my grandma's house as well as remains of my outgrown favorite pants. I got the hangers cheap on sale so my total expenses were about 20$. I chose not to go with a traditional Christmas theme and make owls instead in honor of my late grandma (and with a lil' Twin Peaks inspiration). I'm very pleased with it, the owls if not very owllike are really cute and I had a lot of fun creating different impressions with their eyes. When December gets closer I'll wrap up candy and other small things, attach one gift to each of the rings, and watch my boyfriend's face light up every morning :)