I enjoy plain popcorn...but I thought that it could use a different flavor. This recipe is so, so good and very easy to make! This mix is good for severval bags of popcorn. This how-to includes the recipe for the mix and how to fix the popcorn as well. Enjoy! *Not really sure how the name got messed up...but anyways...I meant "chocolatey"...not chocolate y...haha*
I enjoy plain popcorn...but I thought that it could use a different flavor. This recipe is so, so good and very easy to make! This mix is good for severval bags of popcorn. This how-to includes the recipe for the mix and how to fix the popcorn as well. Enjoy! *Not really sure how the name got messed up...but anyways...I meant "chocolatey"...not chocolate y...haha*
Gather your ingredient. (This is everything you will need to make the chocolatey popcorn) If only making the mix...omit the popcorn and butter.
Sift together 3/4 cup powdered sugar, 1/4 cup cocoa and 1/2 tsp ginger. Put into an air tight container to store. (Thats it for the mix!)
How to make the chocolatey popcorn: Pop your popcorn...according to directions. When done...put into a bowl that has a lid. It does not have to be hot in order to mix...because of the butter.
Melt 1/2 stick of butter (1/4 cup). Measure out 1/4 cup of the mix and mix it well into the melted butter. (If you want it to be more chocolately...and much messier lol...add 2 tbsp butter and 1/8 cup mix to the above.) *This amount is enough for one bag of popcorn*
Drizzle over popcorn. Place lid on bowl and shake, shake it up til well covered. Now enjoy!!