Chocolate Wafer Whip Mini Cake

Chocolate what? Chocolate Wafer/Waffle Mini Cake

Posted by terryann


You will not believe this but there are only two, ingredients in this little mini cake and no baking! This cake is only about 6 inches across including the whipped cream icing.

1 ~ package of chocolate waffle type chocolate cookies, you can also use the Nabisco chocolate wafers but those don't make a cake in this shape. There is a similar recipe on that box.
2 ~ A big tub of Cool Whip.

I got a box of those waffle type chocolate cookies and start by putting a blob of cool whip in the middle of a small plate. Then layer the cookies and blobs of cool whip, until you have a tall enough, finally "ice" the sides and top with more cool whip. The final instructions.......


You Will Need (2 things)

  • 1 package of chocolate waffle type chocolate Cookies
  • Cool Whip Whipping Cream

Steps (1 step, 5 minutes)

  1. 1

    Put it in the freezer till tomorrow.

    Pull it out and cut it up, so yummy!

    So what are you waiting for, quick, easy, fun, and yummy, not to mention chocolate!