Cut Out + Keep

Chocolate Tissue Cake Box Tutorial

Based on Chocolate Tissue Cake Box Tutorial by SongAhIn • Posted by ihramus

It took me quite some time to make the swirls right... The only thing I added rubber strips on the bottom so the cake holds the box firmly... I love how it turned out and thank you SongAhIn for your tutorial :) I adore felt food so i'll keep on sewing yummy things :)

You will need


15 h 00


Pretty Tough
Medium slika 61 004 Medium slika 61 003


It took me quite some time to make the swirls right... The only thing I added rubber strips on the bottom so the cake holds the box firmly... I love how it turned out and thank you SongAhIn for your tutorial :) I adore felt food so i'll keep on sewing yummy things :)
