Chocolate Lava Cake

Super delicious & easy to make

Posted by Princess Pam-attitude



You Will Need (6 things)

  • 1 x box Chocolate Cake Mix
  • Milk See Pudding Mix for amount
  • Water See Cake mix for amount
  • Vegetable Oil See Cake mix for amount
  • Egg(s) See Cake mix for amount
  • 1 x (4 serving size) Chocolate Pudding Mix

Steps (5 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    First- Get all your ingredients that are called for on the box mixes.

  2. 2

    Second- Prepare cake and pudding mixes seperatly, as recomended on box.

  3. 3

    Third- Pour cake mix into greased baking pan, then pour pudding mix right on top of the cake. You can choose to spoon the pudding onto the cake if you want it spead out evenly. DO NOT MIX TOGETHER!

  4. 4

    Fouth- Bake at recomended temperature. Read the baking time from the box, and start checking the cake half way though that time. ie the box says 30 min, start checking at 15 min.

    Check the cake as you would a normal cake. Insert a tooth pick or butter knife into a area of the cake that is mostly cake (not alot of pudding). When the tooth pick come out clean of cake batter, its done.

    I know by this point it is looking/smelling pretty delicious, but you really need to let it sit for about 15 min. Or you will burn your self trying to eat it! =O

  5. 5

    Fith- After you've let it cool a little bit, dish yourself a bowl of your warm Chocolate Lava Cake and top with a scoop of Whip Cream and ENJOY!!

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3