Chocolate Cupcakes
Tasty Chocolate Cupcakes
Posted by Super Madcow
Tasty and easy cupcakes to impress friends & family.
The recipe can easily be altered to make more cupcakes.
You Will Need (8 things)
- 2 oz Butter
- 2 oz Sugar
- 1 x Egg(s)
- 1 oz Self-Raising Flour
- 1 oz Coco Powder
- 6 x Cupcake Cases
- 1 x Chocolate Icing
- 2 drop Vanilla Essence
Steps (4 steps, 30 minutes)
Heat oven Gas Mark 3
Cream butter & sugar together, until pale in colour.
Add egg to above. Mix thoroughly.
Add Vanilla to mix.
Sift flour & Cocoa into the above and mix until combined.
Spoon mixture into cupcake cases.
Do not over fill. Approx half to three quarters full.
Place in pre heated oven (Gas 3) for approx 10-12 mins.
Depending on the oven.
Check by inserting a tooth pick into the center. If it comes out clean then remove from oven and allow to cool completely.
Mix the chocolate icing to soften.
Pipe on top of cooled chocolate cupcakes.