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Chocolate Covered Popcorn

Make Monday: Chocolate Covered Popcorn • Posted by Its Chloe

I used to be really intimidated by popcorn. Thats right…..popcorn. The thought of making it outside of those pre-buttered microwave bags or pre-buttered aluminum tins, seemed impossible. I thought I hated popcorn, but turns out that I just hated that weird butter. Ever since someone showed me how easy making your own popcorn could be, I’ve been eating it pretty much every day. My teeth may hate me for saying this, but I LOVE popcorn! I love it so much that over the summer, I’ve tried 12 different kernels and several kinds of salts to add to them. After extensive research, my favorite popcorn combo is the plain ole’ popcorn drizzled with chocolate and sprinkled with corse salt. Turns out its really simple to make!

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0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium 5362839114 f0e4809984 z1 Medium 5362235205 da39f703de z


I used to be really intimidated by popcorn. Thats right…..popcorn. The thought of making it outside of those pre-buttered microwave bags or pre-buttered aluminum tins, seemed impossible. I thought I hated popcorn, but turns out that I just hated that weird butter. Ever since someone showed me how easy making your own popcorn could be, I’ve been eating it pretty much every day. My teeth may hate me for saying this, but I LOVE popcorn! I love it so much that over the summer, I’ve tried 12 different kernels and several kinds of salts to add to them. After extensive research, my favorite popcorn combo is the plain ole’ popcorn drizzled with chocolate and sprinkled with corse salt. Turns out its really simple to make!


  1. Small 5362215177 20b95c3c4a z

    Start by heating up a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in a large pot with about a cup of popcorn kernels.

  2. Small 5362215189 1a34eddc4d z

    when one starts to pop, put a lid on the pot while occasionally shaking the pot to make sure all of the kernels are getting heated at the bottom of the pot.

  3. Small 5362215203 e82b0ed1fd z

    Keep the heat on until there is 2-3 seconds between popping sounds.

  4. Small 5362215229 fb30a215d9 z


  5. Small 5362215241 41d9de6b72 z

    Lay the popcorn onto a cookie sheet thats lined with parchment paper

  6. Small 5362839050 7caa5e4e79 z

    put about half a bag worth of chocolate chips into a double broiler (or a metal mixing bowl on top of a boiling pot of water, in my case) and mix with a fork until the chocolate chips become a puddle of chocolate.

  7. Small 5362839058 ea6a5f413a z

    lightly shake a fork full of melted chocolate over your sheet of popcorn.

  8. Small 5362839076 a61cc0820e z

    continue doing this until you’ve lightly covered all of the popcorn

  9. Small 5362839092 b9f148e8d8 z

    sprinkle some salt over the coated popcorn, and place the tray in the refrigerator for about a half an hour, or until the chocolate hardens.

  10. Small 5362839114 f0e4809984 z1

    I put my finished product into a plastic bag, attached a cute drawing, tied it with some string from the hardware store, and had a lovely little treat to give away!