Cut Out + Keep

Chobits Ears

Based on Chobits Ears by Kafei • Posted by Tristen M.

I'm going to Fanime this year witha group of friends and I'm borrowing a friend's kimono. I didn't want to just be a girl in a kimono so I opted to be a geisha Chobit. Now I'm making some for my friends. I combined Kafei's tutorial with Miwako's (see below url) She has a bunch of other Chobit ear patterns as well.

You will need


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium 100 0317 1301694638 Medium 100 0319 1301693523 Medium 100 0325 1301693537 Medium 100 0318 1301694697


I'm going to Fanime this year witha group of friends and I'm borrowing a friend's kimono. I didn't want to just be a girl in a kimono so I opted to be a geisha Chobit. Now I'm making some for my friends. I combined Kafei's tutorial with Miwako's (see below url) She has a bunch of other Chobit ear patterns as well.
