Chiped Skateboard Repair Job

it's like recycling or frugality ;-)

Posted by HIGHFIVE

About on OCT.12th i took a break from my 16-or-so day bender i had been on , of skateboarding everyday , to fix my damaged skateboard 'deck'. and while entering info about my crafts onto 'cut out + keep' i let it dry (glue).
but tday i kicked-off my next bender i guess , and partied-down with my fixed-up board ... i skated hard and the fix is holding good.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 3 Small Nail(s) or big nails
  • 1 good Wood Glue
  • 2 good Clamps and some blocks or such

Steps (13 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    #1 first i seperated the 'plys' of the 'deck' at the damage spot and kept them open for pouring glue in by pushing nails in as far as i could WITHOUT causing more damage.

  2. 2

    #2 here i've reached the point where i'm ready to pour-in glue

  3. 3

    #3 when adding glue i try to get it into the depths of the damage zones as deep as possible , mindfull of the fact that i can add more but not adding so much that it makes a mess when squeezed for drying.

  4. 4

    #4 during adding glue i switch between adding glue , & squeezing/moving it around to all points possible ... one tool i used for this was a thin safety-pin , to pke the glue in deeper.

  5. 5

    #5 after spreading glue where needed (in-between ALL deck-plys possible)i pull out the nails used to keep open spaces for glue and ...

  6. 6

    #6 ...decide if it needs more or if it's ready to be clamped and left to dry.

  7. 7

    #7 here's what i did , give it a good squeeze and let the glue spread .

  8. 8

    #8 then i put things over the 'chips' that i want to squeeze with the clamp to ensure more even pressure from the one clamp .

  9. 9

    #9 also i was sure to lean the board in a direction to prevent out-leaking glue from running to where i don't want it.

  10. 10

    #10 i let one side dry for a while before standing it on-end and fixing the other end , to avoid wet glue running.

  11. 11

    #11 ,hours later i felt it was surely dry so i took-off the clamps...

  12. 12

    #12 ...then i used some sandpaper on a block to smooth-away some dried-glue lumps & bumps .

  13. 13

    #13 VOLA , it's ready for the next day of skateboarding.