Children's Picture Applique Cushion

Immortalise your little darlings' artworks - then sit on them!!

Posted by Sophie S.


I made this as a thank you to my son's main carer at nursery - she loved it!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • scraps of Fabric
  • 1 Cushion Pad you decide how big!
  • ½ m approx. of background Fabric depending on how big the cushion pad is
  • Fusible Web

Steps (3 steps, 250 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get your little one to draw a picture - nice and big, ideally the size you want the finished image to be. If you are using a smaller/larger image then you need to enlarge/shrink it to the right size for your cushion using a photocopier.

  2. 2

    Break down the main parts of the picture and trace onto Bondaweb. I used the body, head and sleeves for the person and left out all the details - you add them later.

    Iron the shapes onto various scraps of fabric and cut out the shapes.

  3. 3

    Arrange the shapes right side up onto a blank piece of fabric big enough to be the front of your cushion. Your picture will be a mirror image of the original.

    Take the paper off the Bondweb and iron the pieces into place. Now you can sew details in using your favourite embroidery. I used blanket stitch, french knots and running stiches but the sky's the limit here.

    Assemble cushion cover using your favourite method. I added in a dotty border for fun and a label on the side with 'thank you' written on it with fabric marker.
