Cut Out + Keep

Child Apron And Oven Mitt Christmas Gift

Easy Christmas gift for pretend coooking • Posted by Kristi T.

I made this apron by hand because I have no sewing machine. It took me four days. The oven mitt took half a day. I used ribbon for neck tie and draw strings. Since I used scrap fabric (due to a super tight budget) I added a ribbon that runs across the front of the apron and white lace (which is hard to see in the picture) between the pockets. The pockets also have a small bow on both side of the opening. The back of the apron used a solid pink fabric (the same as the pockets) as a contrast. I love to sew!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium hpim3779 Medium hpim3776


I made this apron by hand because I have no sewing machine. It took me four days. The oven mitt took half a day. I used ribbon for neck tie and draw strings. Since I used scrap fabric (due to a super tight budget) I added a ribbon that runs across the front of the apron and white lace (which is hard to see in the picture) between the pockets. The pockets also have a small bow on both side of the opening. The back of the apron used a solid pink fabric (the same as the pockets) as a contrast. I love to sew!
