Chibi Yourself!

Simple drawing of yourself as a chibi and photoshop coloured.

Posted by Abbey M.



You Will Need (4 things)

  • 1 x Paper
  • 1 x Pencil(s)
  • 1 x Scanner
  • Photo Shop Computer Program

Steps (4 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    Firstly find yourself a piece of paper & a pencil and start setchign some ideas.
    heres my final one.
    and then outline it in pen
    And scan onto your computer.

  2. 2

    Next you need to get your drawing onto photoshop,
    make sure you're comfortable with using simple brushes and colour changing.

  3. 3

    These are pretty much all youlle need
    brush, paint bucket & colours.

  4. 4

    begin to colour in your chibi using the right colours.
    most people make each colour a new layer but if you don't understand this then theres really no need ^^
    Just makes rubbing things out harder D:

    All you need to do next is really zoom in and carefully give it a black outline if you want x