• Posted by AgitProp.
Easy marker-and-paint branches and blossoms I'm currently covering my bed with. I just picked up a Sharpie one day and started drawing, so its nothing special, really. If this isn't hugely coherent I apologise :) I haven't made a tutorial before.
Easy marker-and-paint branches and blossoms I'm currently covering my bed with. I just picked up a Sharpie one day and started drawing, so its nothing special, really. If this isn't hugely coherent I apologise :) I haven't made a tutorial before.
Get your black marker, and begin by drawing a large main branch, beginning thick and tapering off.
Start adding slightly smaller tapering side branches.
I think it looks nice slightly messy, but you can make it as neat as you want.
And thin, delicate stems for the flowers.
Mix up the colour you want for your flowers and add them in! Again, I like my slightly abstract splotchy ones, but if you have better drawing skills, go for better.
Now, and this is optional, get that green maker and add a few little buds.
Finished! Admire.