Cut Out + Keep

Charging Garden

In my continuing effort to cutify the mundane in my house, I decided to make my own charging garden yesterday. For about $3 you can too! • Posted by maize hutton

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium charginggarden1



  1. Small charginggarden1

    You can find wooden crates like these at thrift stores and the greenery you can find at the Dollar Store. Take a piece of floral foam and cut it to fit the box. Use various plastic greenery. I tried to find some grass, but since the nearest craft store is 75 miles away, I had to settle on the stuff at the Dollar Store.

  2. Small charginggardenside

    I also found some cool vintage shelf liner which I glued to each side. Just place your stuff that needs to be charged in it's own little garden and run the lines out the back of the crate. Lovin it!