• Posted by tasmia n.
*DIY idea totally from Seventeen article. Apologies for the lack of how-to pictures. If you need some pics, I can definitely get them.
*DIY idea totally from Seventeen article. Apologies for the lack of how-to pictures. If you need some pics, I can definitely get them.
You can do this either while wearing the jeans or by laying the jeans down. Take a safety pin and hook it on to an end of the chain.
Hook the pin through either your front right belt loop, or front left belt loop. (This will be the side of the chain.)
Now, you either just stick it to the back center belt loop, or first measure 9 " from the top of your jeans down the side seams, and *then* hook it to the back center loop. Ta da! You're done. * If you want double chains, you can do two things. On my chain, I made it look like two chains by taking a loose end of the chain and safety pinning it to another part of the chain. Or you can just get two chains and do it separately.