Cut Out + Keep

Caveman Art

Cool Caveman Art :) • Posted by Meagan S.


You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 45


Nice & Simple
Medium photo 0111 1278188792




  1. Small photo 0103 1278188820

    First, gather your supplies

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    Get your cardboard in front of you :)

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    Pick your 3-4 crayons make sure they are different colours.. you could use different shades of a colour like blue, dark blue and light blue :)

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    Now colour the cardboard like so alternating colours :) example: orange,green,red,orange,green,red.....

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    now paint over the cardboard with black acrylic paint

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    paint over it until it is all covered make sure you have something underneath the cardboard so you don't get paint everywhere.

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    Let it dry fully for about 20mins if it still is not dry leave it for a while longer.. to make it dry faster i put it under a desk lamp :P

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    now grab your sharp tool and write on the cardboard. its all colourful srry for the terrible pics :$

  9. Small photo 0112 1278189402

    Heres another example :3

  10. Small photo 0113 1278189428

    Now you try!