Catnip Pinecones And Needle Felted Cat Toys

Keep that kitten hopping!

Posted by ZanyDays


It wasn't so long ago, the day I wandered outside and found a scrawny black kitten, hardly the size of an under-grown cantaloupe, play-hunting amongst the neglected grasses of my backyard.
Ever since that day, Bruce has been spoiled absolutely rotten. He never forgot the very first toy he ever learned to play with, though, and that was the amazing, the spectacular, the magical... pinecone.
My cat will entertain himself for hours, and hours, and hooouuurrs with these small, mouth sized pinecones. He carries them to and from one side of the house to another and stalks them intently as if they were taunting him somehow.

If your kitten or kitten-at-heart is anything like mine, it will be equally enchanted by these catnip-enhanced playthings.

The pinecones have been bathed in a catnip infusion and are sprinkled with dried, organic catnip. The needle felted bird or mouse is infused with one (super potent) drop of catnip oil.
The needle felted toys won't look as nice as the pinecones after some time (Bruce even went so far as to actually EAT the bluebird I made for him... so that's a good sign, right?), but they will entertain for hours on end.
Just look at that face!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Catnip Oil
  • fresh Pinecones bathed in a catnip concentration
  • Needle Felting Kit with your choice of wool
  • Sheets Of Different Colours Of Felt