• Posted by Abbie R
make one for your cat! (or your dog? or... gerbil?) of course not everyone has a pet though, soooo.... maybe make one for yourself!
make one for your cat! (or your dog? or... gerbil?) of course not everyone has a pet though, soooo.... maybe make one for yourself!
1. measure around your cats head, then maybe give them a cuddle. don't measure as high up as i did, i just did that for the picture because my cat looked rather cute. Also make sure you measure from the bottom of your cats head, up to about half way up your cats ears.
2. fold your fabric in half and then half the measurement of the width of your cats head (so if all around your cats head was 38cm you would draw a 19cm line as a guide to cut along)then just keep the same measurement of the height of your cats head, and draw it in the middle of the measurement of width and then free-hand draw a semi circle to go around them both.
3. then cut it out you should have two semi circles (because you folded your fabric in half) then sew around the edge.
4. make a turnup and glue it to keep it in place.
5. cut out little holes that fit around your cats ears.
6. using the bits that you cut off, stretch them, so that they are bigger and look like ears. Then turn you hat inside out and place the ears on the holes and glue the rim.
7. turn the hat back to normal and stretch the ears again.
8. cut out a rectangle of a lighter fabric and draw a 'pupil' so it looks like a eye and then do another.
9. then do a small semi circle in the same light fabric, this will be the nose. add a 'v' on each side for whiskers
10. then your done! :D