
Megan M.
Megan M.
oops sorry pressed enter too many times Happy(
Megan M.
Megan M.
im really confused how to do this cuz the directions are a little confusinng and the pictures are smallish and hard to see < help? stuck at part 3
Megan M.
Megan M.
im really confused how to do this cuz the directions are a little confusinng and the pictures are smallish and hard to see < help? stuck at part 3
Megan M.
Megan M.
im really confused how to do this cuz the directions are a little confusinng and the pictures are smallish and hard to see < help? stuck at part 3
Steff P.
Steff P. · Leeds, Alabama, US
Summat tells me I gotta try this one Happy
how cool! i have two wallets that looks like money, but they're made of some leather-like material =P
Cat Morley
Cat Morley · London, GB · 1432 projects
Ha ha, I guess you could! Just use as much as you would be willing to spend on a new wallet Happy
Sara B.
Sara B. · 1 project
haha, that's brilliant. Maybe I'm nuts for actually considering using real money...?
Eva K.
Eva K. · Santa Clara, California, US · 1 project
I love making vinyl wallets & mirror compacts! I use the vinyl packaging that bedding comes in, so this project pratically costs nothing to make Happy
Carly Lawrence
Carly Lawrence · Campbell River, British Columbia, CA
Interesting point from Peter: "copying money is often considered ILLEGAL conterfiting even if the copy is bad and you dont intend to try an pass the copy off as real."
Dont want to get in trouble for creating, do we?

I was actually just going to say I have a clear vinyl wallet myself! I bought it in a cute local artist store in Seattle, WA. It was really well made, and has lasted!
You can use any picture you desire! That might be the best part about vinyl wallets. Thanks for the design, now I can make myself a new one!
Peter W.
Peter W. · Maribo, Region Zealand, DK
I think this is a great idea.
But you should be very careful, copying money is often considered ILLEGAL conterfiting even if the copy is bad and you dont intend to try an pass the copy off as real.
(this is why those 'money noveltys' - tee towels and so on - have "SPECIMEN" printed on them in large letters !

In Denmark even a bad copy (for example only one side of the note) can get you up to 4 years in jail !
Young crafters are occasionaly in trouble with this.
The Danish slogan "money is something you must be able to trust" is actualy sensible.
If you are making this wallet I would sugest 2 possiblitys Either use real money !!! (though that may be considered defacing in some legislations)
I have seen a wallet folded out of 20 X 1$ bills which could even be dismateled when money is short Happy
Or use money from another country which is not legal in you own country, here you could may be use real money which is larger than you own countrys money.
I am not a expert on law so cannot garantee that this is 'water tight' but Please be careful, it would be a shame if a great idea got you in hot water.
Elena W...
Elena W... · Minneapolis, Minnesota, US · 4 projects
Happy Great project, I'm going out to buy Vinyl now. Happy
Cat Morley
Cat Morley · London, GB · 1432 projects
Hmm, it was just my standard machine needle - I'll check later.
Vanessa the Strange
Vanessa the Strange · Japan, JP · 6 projects
Brilliant idea!
What size needle did you have to use to sew through the vinyl?


Hey there, I found your site whilst having a rake about on etsy, so I thought I'd come have a nosey, particularly since you're in Dundee, I was at uni there too, taking a wee break at the mo! Anyway, I've totally deviated from the point of this comment, just wanted to say I like your little wallet - I make similar ones myself Happy I've totally forgotten what else I wanted to say. Oh well! Take it easy Happy


Lucky gal! Your money in the UK is way prettier than ours over here in the States! Great project. Happy