Cut Out + Keep

Case For Playing Cards

Case for cards (in this case Magic: The Gathering but also good for tarot) • Posted by Lucy M.

A case I made for my friend's birthday, a little lined fabric case to keep his Magic The Gathering deck safe. Will be updating to a tutorial when I being working on the next case!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 101229 2f2014 04 24 234338 10250724 634641676612799 453251940 n Medium 101229 2f2014 04 24 234342 10173238 634641679946132 1373663522 n


A case I made for my friend's birthday, a little lined fabric case to keep his Magic The Gathering deck safe. Will be updating to a tutorial when I being working on the next case!
