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Carrot, Halloumi & Beetroot Fritters

Carrot & beetroot fritters with homemade halloumi and a minty yogurt sauce. • Posted by Cat Morley

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0 h 15


Nice & Simple
Medium 110909 2f2015 09 08 183237 img 4261



  1. Small 110909 2f2015 09 08 183551 img 4243

    We used The Big Cheese Making Kit to make our own halloumi for this recipe but you're welcome to use any halloumi for this, dusting it with mint before you start,

  2. Small 110909 2f2015 09 08 183620 img 4242

    Grate the carrots and beetroots into a bowl.

  3. Small 110909 2f2015 09 08 183626 img 4244

    Place in a sieve over your bowl and grate in the halloumi and mix in the spring onions.

  4. Small 110909 2f2015 09 08 183632 img 4245

    Mixx together until well combined.

  5. Small 110909 2f2015 09 08 183638 img 4246

    Whisk together the eggs with a generous amount of black pepper.

  6. Small 110909 2f2015 09 08 183644 img 4247

    Mix the egg and cornflour into the mix, squeeze out any excess liquid.

  7. Small 110909 2f2015 09 08 183652 img 4248

    Form into small patties and fry for 5 minutes on either side until golden.

  8. Small 110909 2f2015 09 08 183705 img 4261

    Mix together some yogurt with mint and drizzle on top to serve.