• Posted by bethany t.
I'm kind of the designated birthday cake baker at my office, and my favorite coworker has been telling me for months that her favorite cake is carrot cake. I've never made one before, but I wanted this to be the best I could muster. Spent lots of time looking for the perfect recipe, and found the one linked. There were lots of good suggestions for substitutions because of large amount of oil called for, and just a few other things to think about. I ended up decreasing the oil and adding in some apple sauce - which will inevitably make it super moist. I also switched from 2 cups of white sugar to 1 white, 1 brown. Also, at the request of my coworker I added golden raisins. It's a hearty cake, but definitely delicious!! The frosting is my favorite cream cheese frosting recipe. I think I like it so much because it uses no butter. 1 pkg cream cheese, 1 1/4 c powdered sugar (mix until smooth, and then slowly add in), 1/2 c whipping cream (while still mixing. Mix until spreadable). That's the original recipe, I doubled it for this cake, and literally had just enough. But it's sooooo delicious - next time I should just triple it, and keep the extra for...anything. It's that's good. Enjoy!!
I'm kind of the designated birthday cake baker at my office, and my favorite coworker has been telling me for months that her favorite cake is carrot cake. I've never made one before, but I wanted this to be the best I could muster. Spent lots of time looking for the perfect recipe, and found the one linked. There were lots of good suggestions for substitutions because of large amount of oil called for, and just a few other things to think about. I ended up decreasing the oil and adding in some apple sauce - which will inevitably make it super moist. I also switched from 2 cups of white sugar to 1 white, 1 brown. Also, at the request of my coworker I added golden raisins. It's a hearty cake, but definitely delicious!! The frosting is my favorite cream cheese frosting recipe. I think I like it so much because it uses no butter. 1 pkg cream cheese, 1 1/4 c powdered sugar (mix until smooth, and then slowly add in), 1/2 c whipping cream (while still mixing. Mix until spreadable). That's the original recipe, I doubled it for this cake, and literally had just enough. But it's sooooo delicious - next time I should just triple it, and keep the extra for...anything. It's that's good. Enjoy!!