• Posted by Boo_its_Brittany
I collaged some Care Bear stickers&magazine clippings on a piece of computer paper, stuck it in a paper protector (those clear folder things) and stitched around with my sewing machine. Add velcro for closure (I forgot to take a picture of the pouch with velcro added so I photoshopped some "velcro" in. Haha) and boom. Ultra cute new pouch :]!
I collaged some Care Bear stickers&magazine clippings on a piece of computer paper, stuck it in a paper protector (those clear folder things) and stitched around with my sewing machine. Add velcro for closure (I forgot to take a picture of the pouch with velcro added so I photoshopped some "velcro" in. Haha) and boom. Ultra cute new pouch :]!