Cut Out + Keep

Cardigan From Crew Neck Man's Top

Bound edge weird rabbits cardi • Posted by Janetrec

Bought this mans top from Ebay because I liked the weird rabbits on it but didn't like it on me as a top as it was a bit snug round the chest and I hate crew necks. Decided to turn it into a jacket/cardi as I work in a freezing office and always need layers to put on :D. May take the sides in a bit at the waist later as it looks a bit boxy from the back but probably won't get round to doing that. Would look better with jeans!!! If anyone else like weird rabbits or other strange designs the Ebay shop is here:

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Project Budget


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium p1010013 1283691564 Medium p1010002 1283692121 Medium p1010014 1283692191


Bought this mans top from Ebay because I liked the weird rabbits on it but didn't like it on me as a top as it was a bit snug round the chest and I hate crew necks. Decided to turn it into a jacket/cardi as I work in a freezing office and always need layers to put on :D. May take the sides in a bit at the waist later as it looks a bit boxy from the back but probably won't get round to doing that. Would look better with jeans!!! If anyone else like weird rabbits or other strange designs the Ebay shop is here:


  1. Small p1010003 1283693184

    First I turned the top inside out and drew a bigger neck scoop by drawing round a dinner plate - not very even on both sides but it looked OK when I cut it out. I didn't draw on the back but after I cut the front scoop out I cut straight across the back under the garment label - just cut how you prefer it.

  2. Small p1010004 1283693493

    Drew a line straight down the front from the new neck line. This top was made of a thick T-shirt material so (I didn't zig-zag round the raw edges as they were going to be bound anyway so fraying shouldn't be a problem)

  3. Small p1010005 1283693547

    I decided it would be easier to bind the edges if I didn't have any corners so I marked the red lines and cut along these making it a V-neck cardi. Cut straight up the front, along the red lines and along the marked neckline then straigt across the back of the neck removing the crew neck.

  4. Small p1010007 1283693724

    Pin the double folded bias binding to the right side of cut edge of the top (don't do what I did and pin it to the wrong side then have to start again :D).The top edge of the binding is along the top edge of the fabric. Have about one inch of bias binding extending past the edge as this will tuck in later. The binding goes up the right front, round the back of the collar and down the left front - again leaving about an inch extending at the end.

  5. Small p1010010 1283694406

    Stitch the bias binding along the fold line. This can be done on a sewing machine but I handsewed mine as I was doing it at my dad's house while I watched TV. I use back stitch when I do this.

  6. Small p1010015 1283695248

    You can now fold the bias binding to the inside of the garment and because it comes ready folded the fold tucks in nicely and then more hand-stitching to catch the binding in place all the way round.

  7. Small p1010016 1283694964

    At the start and finish open out the bias binding, fold it back on itself to cover the edge of the fabric and pin in place then finish with a few stitches. The cardi could have press studs or ties sewn on to do it up but I prefer to wear mine open so I didn't bother.